Migrating an Archive

When using the ARCRET utility to migrate an archive and replace the old names with new names for the retrieval keys, one approach is to define only one Trigger2Archive control group in all the INI files required for the migration. You would place this control group in the INI file this option points to:

< GenArcPlugIn >
INIFile =

For example, assume that before the migration, you rename the FSIUSER.INI file to OLDUSER.INI and modify the FSIUSER.INI file is for migration. Also assume both OLDUSER.INI and FSIUSER.INI point to the same FSISYS.INI file. You would then move the Trigger2Archive control group from the FSISYS.INI file into the FSIUSER.INI file.

The reason is because the left-hand side of this control group should represent the new key names. Assuming Company, LOB, and PolicyNum are the new names, this control group would look as follows:

< Trigger2Archive >
Company		= Key1
LOB		= Key2
PolicyNum	= KeyID
Rundate		= Rundate

If this control group is defined in the FSISYS.INI file, the ARCRET utility will not find matching key names (Key1,Key2, and KeyID) in the old archive and will return nothing for these fields in the temporary transaction file. When the GenArc program (called by PLGGenArc) runs, no data is mapped to the new key fields. As a result, the new key fields (Company, LOB, and PolicyNum) are empty after the archive is migrated.